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Rest in Cardiovascular Health

There is no doubt that good health involves a good night's rest and those routines that are necessary to achieve this essential rest as a key factor for comprehensive health, which is also necessary to optimize daily performance and performance.

Now, it is worth evaluating certain factors such as stress that will directly affect health and that in fact hinder achieving that deep sleep, although states of stress are normal responses of the body to an imminent danger or the perception of it, that is, Stress is necessary as a state of alert, but the problem occurs when it becomes a permanent state, that is where the problems arise.

Nighttime Rest, a Key Factor in Cardiovascular Health

Rest, whose literal meaning implies letting the body regain enough energy to face the day to day. Otherwise, the body will find itself in serious difficulties to function correctly. Thus, cardiovascular health will also be affected in these cases in which total rest is not achieved. Reviewing a recent study that was published in 'The Journal of the American College of Cardiology', which shows that even irregular sleep can considerably increase the risk of suffering from cardiovascular problems.

According to this, it will be vitally important to develop a routine that allows you to sleep well and ensures rest. “The wake-sleep rhythm is essential for the correct functioning of our entire body, both at the hormonal level and for the physical performance and performance of our organs,” says Dr. Vicente Arrarte Esteban, cardiologist coordinator of the Prevention and Health Unit. Cardiac Rehabilitation of the General University Hospital of Alicante and president of the Vascular Risk and Cardiac Rehabilitation Section of the Spanish Society of Cardiology. “Correct rest is as important for health as daily physical exercise, a good heart-healthy diet and stress control,”

Healthy Sleep

Now, for rest to be truly effective and sleep to fulfill its function as it should, the idea is to get enough sleep. Although in fact a recommended number of hours that serves as an average for everyone has not been defined with certainty, specialists indicate that although "it is not easy to define normal sleep hours, various studies, taking into account the individual characteristics of each one, opt for a number of hours of sleep that is not less than 6 hours, but not more than 10 hours,” as Dr. Arrarte Esteban points out, adding that sleeping fewer hours has consequences.

 “As it is a necessity for the correct functioning of our entire body, it is easy to find situations of tachycardia, easy fatigue, headaches, bradypsychia (or slowed thinking), emotional irritability, and a tendency to emotional disorders such as anxiety or depression, which can be the reason for lack of sleep or complicate the condition of patients with sleep disorders for another reason. It is also a risk factor for the appearance of diseases such as HBP and worsening of its control in hypertensive patients. If there is no control for a long time, it adds to other risk factors, increasing the risk of the appearance of cardiovascular problems and making its normalization necessary as a heart-healthy lifestyle habit.”

Furthermore, the cardiologist also points out that the quality of this sleep is important, since “inadequate night's rest is one of the signs that enhance the development of diseases or poor control of high blood pressure among other diseases. Many times people are not aware of their insufficient superficial sleep for proper rest, as well as the appearance of complications such as apneas or breathing pauses, snoring, etc. "which can be the cause of diseases that cause sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome," he points out.

Therefore, building a nightly rest routine in the search for comprehensive health involves designing and complying with a series of habits that allow for truly restful sleep. Which starts with dressing in comfortable pajamas and fresh bedding to make it easier to fall asleep.

Factors That Affect Rest

Then, elements such as stress or anxiety can become a real problem when they reach a high level or are too intense and disproportionate to the stimulus that activates them, in the same way when they last over time, since the state of permanent alert implies live altered which logically prevents rest.

This is how both disproportionate anxiety and stress become serious triggering factors for the problems associated with transient or even chronic insomnia, which has been clinically proven in multiple studies. In this sense, what it is about is visualizing the health problem and its possible solutions proactively and acting accordingly in a timely manner.

Additionally, under these new production scenarios such as teleworking or remote work, essentially working from home, the need to implement disciplined routines is evident since it is easy to lose control of the productive hours of those dedicated to housework, food, entertainment or rest. This is how you can see people working for long hours, even at night, acquiring habits such as excessive smoking, which in the long run will seriously affect cardiovascular health.

Building Rest Routines

In the first instance, proper time management will be essential, this is one of the essential elements that very frequently trigger situations in states of stress and anxiety as well as excesses in work tasks. Then, the design, application and implementation of routines that allow optimizing time in the execution of tasks and activities of all kinds will be essential, also including entertainment; which consequently brings structure and order.

These daily routines should include each and every activity broken down into their respective schedules, such as work, study, entertainment, and rest. In this sense, planning rest routines allows you to build appropriate habits to regulate sleep schedules for a better night's rest.

In general, sleep is essential and sleeping eight hours on average provides a number of great health benefits. Men's pajamas should be one of the first items to take into account in that daily ritual that is so necessary for rest as part of that routine in building those habits that you want to implement. This is because these items of clothing have become increasingly important in the lives of gentlemen to sleep comfortably and peacefully, in addition to mentally preparing the body to go to sleep.

A man who has the habit and custom of wearing pajamas as an essential garment for sleeping is by nature very attached to his habits, it is part of his character and personality; then the time of rest at night is perhaps one of the most anticipated and appreciated moments after a very long day that perhaps was very hectic at work, with all the challenges and responsibilities included that must surely be deal with in your daily life.


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