Pijama Hombre Verano Corto Tela

Pajamas, Fashion Today and Always

The idea or concept of classic is sometimes used lightly and even irresponsibly; one might even think that it is the worst synonym for boring or lacking grace. Well, nothing could be further from reality, since a classic style, according to great experts, is one that seeks pure lines in the design, with garments with a balanced silhouette and, above all, harmonious colors. The focus of this style is to project security, maturity and self-confidence. .

Classic Garments

To be more exact, people who are inclined to wear the cherished classic style wear high-quality clothing that provides a good presence. They do not wear clothes that are striking at all, because they always look for harmony and the simplest elegance, it is trendy of course, but with sobriety. This style is typical of middle-aged people or people who need to wear it for work reasons.

Talking about fashion trends seems to be an effect strictly associated with the present, the present is synonymous with fashion; However, this phenomenon called fashion comes and goes, and in its purest characteristics, the vintage concept takes on special value to the brands that make life in the industry and to the people who enjoy and are fervent lovers of fashion at its best.

On the other hand, it is a fact that fashion plays with past trends, as it points against rigidity in favor of individual expression, innovating and adapting them to this new reality, a bit between real and subjective. Furthermore, fashion is a constant vision of the future that seriously confronts custom because clothing habit does not advance.

So it means that fashion without this renewal would have no purpose or reason for being since it is the factor that certainly defines it and although fashion trends reflect a look at the past , it is obvious that it constantly reinvents itself, trying all the pre-established rules or conceived as part of a space of time with very defined and peculiar characteristics.

Classic Versus Reactive

Fashion is definitely reactive, since it is a fact that it works based on reactions to previous fashion, perhaps expanding what really caused an impact and was liked or giving a return to what was definitely not liked, in a series of innovations that will always seek to highlight in a positive way of course.

Therefore and as a result it will always be more and more paradoxical, since what it is about is distinguishing the individual, who can express his peculiarity through clothing, but to that same extent, people also seek recognition and acceptance from the group. , this is what makes the fashion phenomenon complex and ultimately paradoxical.

It is also paradoxical that fashion is launched to break and innovate, but without going too far to remain as a difficult artistic expression to wear or for a reduced elite, so it is valid to ask to what knit a piece can really be commercial as part of a collection; it is hard to perceive at first how much creative expression can be a reflection of a need in dressing.

Finally, fashion is exposed to the public with a collective character since it is designed to be seen as part of the most visible exterior of people; At the same time, it must be global, since fashion does not present significant differences between countries and in purely Western cultures, although it may be at certain times with Asians, especially those who today are still very conditioned by religion or culture. tradition.

According to experts, trends are launched into the international arena and, both production and consumption, are done without paying attention to very detailed localisms, or at least that is the ideal objective.

The Pajamas on their Journey        

Without continuing to talk about history, The truth is that these sleepwear items are necessary and indispensable in the lifestyle of people, both ladies and gentlemen, not only today but always, because it is enough to remember that these pieces are beginning to be used to differentiate clothing. of daily use for sleeping.

At a particular point in this journey, women's pajama models were more similar to men's pajamas. Nowadays, these pieces for women have become an essential element in their wardrobe with lingerie and sleepwear of different styles. very visible in the fashion industry.

Regarding the styles of pajamas for men , faced with a clear evolution of styles, textiles and even uses because the reality is that the world is changing, more practical models and textiles, Homewear clothing, onesie, among others, stand out.

The truth is that the idea of ​​a night's rest brings up the urgent need to wear pajamas, seeking convenience, comfort and the possibility of falling asleep much more effectively. Hence, in addition to different styles of these garments emerging, what is really imperative is that they essentially fulfill that function that guarantees rest.

The Reliable Classic Option 

You always need a basic pajama, it's that simple and without much deep analysis. This is the hallmark of a classic wardrobe, as it is a garment that will not go out of style, consisting of two pieces, a shirt with either short or long sleeves and pants, preferably made of mesh, although there are much more classic textiles ideal for these garments, which guarantees that much-anticipated comfort as knit point.

Furthermore, in a construction with very clean, simple and simple lines in navy blue or very light pastels, ideal for making rest at night even much more comfortable, neutral colors and a fabric that meets the essential expectations.

Option With Buttons

After winter, the classic pajama models for those much warmer days, there is nothing better than opting for a pajama made up of a short-sleeved shirt and shorts in perfect harmony and combination, absolutely ideal. Moreover, it is even better if this chosen model is made of mesh, that is to say, a woven that is very soft and has a good fit, where fresh and loose fabrics are the criteria that should prevail.

The importance of wearing good pajamas is also associated with key hygiene factors, since the habits and routines of a night's rest for healthy sleep begin with the habit of wearing pajamas at bedtime. It is about being correct in all areas and stages of daily life.

The criterion of a classic garment is not related to a boring style but to the permanence that a piece can have in a gentleman's wardrobe, clearly balanced with the need to renew items with some frequency, garments that also endure the discharge of the body night after night, dead cells, temperature changes, the damage caused by stress, among others. The fundamental aspect is the adoption of these garments as a key to a true night's rest.


Visit our website El Búho Nocturno where you can find the pajamas you like the most and that suit your preferences. Enjoy a quality and stylish pajama this summer.