Pijama hombre Cómodo Elegante

Health, Exercise, Rest and Well-being for Men

The man needs to sleep, it's that simple and easy. Rest is part of well-being, as clarified by the National Sleep Foundation, an organization dedicated to promoting health and well-being through the advocacy of sleep, in one of its articles explains that sleeping is essential at any age, sleep strengthens the mind, restores the body, and fortifies all the systems of the body.

Likewise, it must be followed by a periodic medical check-up to take charge of your health in the most appropriate way possible, under the accompaniment of appropriate medical personnel. Many men have to understand that medical visits, beyond appearances, are key to avoiding or treating habits that may be harming their health.

This call to awareness is due to the fact that many times, while being immersed in the hustle of work or being dragged by a social system that leads them to live in a less beneficial way, men are exposed to the early deterioration of their vitality, underestimating even the very hours of rest, and it is not until a certain knit in their life that they see all the consequences that neglecting their own well-being brings.

Medical Checkups As A Necessity

The need for annual medical consultations is required to check not only the health situation, but also to discover possible diseases that surely do not present symptoms and are not so easy to detect.

Therefore, the tendency of gentlemen to postpone these check-ups because they believe that it is a symbol of weakness, is nothing more than a fear caused by believing that one only resorts to medicine when one is in a critical state. , when by making these early and regular visits you will avoid any future discomfort.

So, organizing check-ups despite being in good health refers to prevention, being part of the routine and the most important section to take into account. According to the Corachan Foundation, a non-profit institution aimed at promoting and developing health actions that integrate healthy habits, comments that medical check-ups and screening tests are important for the following reasons:

  1. Health difficulties can be discovered at an early stage before developing into a more severe symptom.
  2. It prevents health problems from becoming chronic.
  3. High probability of a treatment and cure.
  4. Understanding the state of the body through expert diagnosis not only contributes to the precaution or control of discomfort and illness, it also helps to create peace of mind and awareness of the body's functioning.

Checkups are even more necessary if you are aware of family history or other risk elements, and depending on the man's age, the doctor will recommend which exams and tests he should have, as well as dictate how often a health visit and review will be prudent.

Exercises as Part of a Healthy Routine

Just as making medical visits is necessary to have a routine that promotes well-being, physical exercise complements that activity that the body and mind require, since it helps prevent these health problems, increases energy and serves to reduce stress.

Exercise is synonymous with vitality. The sedentary lifestyle that is prone to suffer from teleworking or confinement brings nothing but risk to man.

The Spanish Heart Foundation, a private non-profit institution with the aim of preventing heart diseases through information campaigns, explains that sedentary people suffer greater risks of suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertension and respiratory diseases. Even more, it can cause significant damage to the cardiovascular system, accentuating the effects of more risk situations such as obesity, hypertension or cholesterol.

Fighting it is simple, just organize small physical activities to start. On the Internet you can find various proposals to stay active even when you are at home. The important thing is to start, set small goals and do daily exercises to get used to it and gradually add a little more intensity.

Exercise, in addition to avoiding the aforementioned diseases, reduces the effects of aging, improves sleep, helps maintain ideal weight by increasing metabolism and contributes to mental health such as depression.

Regardless of the goal you set with physical routines, it is important to accompany them with good nutrition. Due to the lack of activity or boredom, it is easy to want to eat at all hours, looking for what to do to kill time; Exercise will require healthy meals that provide the necessary nutrients, and will regulate these imbalances in both sleep and eating schedules.

Rest Habits

When it's time to sleep, the important rest, it's time to put on your favorite pajamas and rest to regain energy after a good exercise routine. But far from what many believe, there is a certain amount of necessary hours that, depending on age, are actually required to recover, since disorders such as hypersomnia are generated due to sleeping much longer than necessary.

According to the National Sleep Foundation a teenager between 14 and 17 years old should sleep approximately 8 to 10 hours a day, a young adult between 18 and 25 years old and an adult People from 26 to 64 years old sleep 7 to 9 hours, but an older adult from 65 years old onwards reduces their sleep time to about 7 to 8 hours.

The above data is actually a guide to the recommended range of hours according to each age group for healthier sleep. In some cases, sleeping an hour more or less than usual is acceptable depending on the individual's individual circumstances.

Just as it is necessary to be aware of the hours required for sleep, it is relevant to consider whether within that time the quality of sleep was achieved. This is important for various reasons; like breathing, eating, and drinking, it influences each person's ability to feel rested and energized for the new day. But above all, the quality of sleep ensures physical and mental health, thus contributing to the overall quality of life.

Sleep also helps the development of the body, for this same reason, babies, children and adolescents need more sleep than adults. But the indisputable thing is that people of all ages have to sleep to avoid illnesses or recover from them.

Poor sleep quality and sleep deficiency can have negative consequences. They may be physiological, including the risk of stroke, heart disease and high blood pressure. In the same order, the negative effects could be psychological, such as irritability, anxiety or depression.

In short, balance is necessary to lead a healthy life as much as possible. Medical control, daily exercise, food and rest, with a good night's clothing , or with comfortable pajamas , are the ideal quartet to make it the most suitable for a man who seeks to give his best and improve himself every step of the way. day.

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