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Health and Wellbeing in Men

Sleep and its Relationship with Men's Health

In men, lack of sleep beyond fatigue can have health consequences. American researchers have concluded that men under 65 who sleep only three to five hours a night are 55% more likely to develop prostate cancer than those who slept the recommended minimum of seven hours. If, however, sleep time is increased to six hours, the risk drops to 29%.

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs when the cells of the prostate (man's sexual gland responsible for producing semen) begin to grow uncontrollably. Unlike other types, prostate cancer is characterized by evolving very slowly.

 Researchers suggest that lack of sleep can inhibit the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates the human body's biological clock. Low production of this hormone can lead to increased genetic mutations, reduced DNA repair, and a weakened immune system, which in turn can contribute to tumor progression.

Science in recent years has linked poor sleep to high blood pressure, a weakened immune system, weight gain, mood swings, paranoia, depression and an increased risk of diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, dementia and some types Of cancer. In the particular case of men, lack of sleep is also a killer of male libido.

"It's pretty simple," said Laure Mintz, author of the book A Tired Woman's Guide to Passionate Sex. "If you are exhausted and don't get enough sleep, your sex drive will be extremely low."

Age and Sleep Quality

Most people find that the aging process leads them to have difficulty falling asleep. They wake up more frequently during the night and get up earlier in the morning. Total sleep time stays the same or decreases slightly (6.5 to 7 hours per night).

The transition between sleep and waking up frequently is abrupt, causing older people to feel like they are sleeping lighter than when they were young. Less time is spent sleeping soundly and dreamlessly. Most older men wake up on average 3 to 4 times each night. They wake up more frequently because they spend less time in deep sleep. Other causes include the need to get up to urinate (nocturia), anxiety and discomfort and pain from long-term (chronic) illnesses. It is not just about quantity but quality, a challenge for elderly men who see these sleep conditions diminish with the passage of time.

Male Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene is the practice of following certain recommendations that ensure a more restful and effective sleep that promotes daytime alertness and helps avoid sleep disorders.

Its implications go far beyond those related to the proper functioning of the body, so that both the lack and poor quality of sleep have negative repercussions on the correct daytime functionality of man, affecting his quality of life, his social and work relationships. ...and even compromise the activity and/or safety of the people with whom it interacts.

 Among the considerations of sleep hygiene is to go to sleep alone and only when you are sleepy, adapting the time spent in bed to real sleep needs, respecting the natural schedules of sleep. rest according to sleep-wake cycles. This can be enhanced by establishing a regular schedule for getting up and, if possible, also for going to bed, ensuring that the hours of sleep are those necessary to provide adequate rest.

 Reduce the intake of stimulating drinks (coffee, tea, alcohol, etc.) and tobacco consumption as much as possible; This is especially true in the hours before going to bed, as they have a negative effect on the quality of sleep. Additionally, avoid large and/or heavy meals before going to bed, as well as performing stressful activities. Light dinners are recommended, one or two hours before bedtime; However, it is not advisable to go to bed feeling hungry either.

Another recommendation is to perform moderate exercise regularly throughout the day, preferably in the morning and until mid-afternoon, taking advantage of the benefits of doing the activity outdoors and exposed to sunlight if possible. In addition to practicing a relaxing routine by practicing relaxation techniques or exercises before going to bed, avoiding activities that require a lot of attention.

The use of pajamas has been institutionalized as an excellent habit that prepares the body for rest, so whether it is short or long pajamas , good comfortable pajamas will make a difference when it comes to falling asleep.

Benefits of Sleeping Eight Hours for Men

The world standard to obtain the benefits of deep sleep establishes an average of 8 hours for nightly rest, for some men it may be more or less depending on their physical conditions or physiological needs; The truth is that a good night's rest benefits the male public in the following way:

  • A healthy heart, this because blood pressure remains lower during the day after a night of uninterrupted sleep; so hypertension problems are considerably reduced.
  • Men can look more attractive and rested; it is proven that sleeping well is an effective beauty treatment, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal. Its authors demonstrated that men who have slept well at night are more attractive and healthier than those who have been sleep deprived.
  • Creativity and memory are increased, this is because resting all night helps consolidate memory, but also reorganize information and extract the most relevant data, according to a recent study from the University of Notre Dame. According to the authors, in this way sleep favors the production of new and more creative ideas.
  • The metabolism is improved, research from the University of Chicago reveals that weight loss diets produce better results in those men who are more rested, they even determined that people on a diet and with few hours of sleep feel hungrier than those who have slept the recommended daily hours.
  • Improved performance in bed, chronic sleep deprivation can take a mental toll that affects how men perceive their own attractiveness and, in turn, sexual desire.

 There are many investigations from which it has been determined that sleeping more than necessary can be counterproductive and even harmful to health, this is because it causes some diseases that keep the World Health Organization on new alerts, in addition to the fact that it can be a symptom of problems associated with anxiety and depression. The reality is that sleep has a very basic vital function for human beings, due to all the functions that are activated in the body during this period.

Essentially, sleeping adequately allows you to recharge and recover energy from the fatigue and wear and tear of the day. So with that being said, sleeping soundly for eight hours is crucial and more than enough to stay in a healthy condition.


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