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Rest In The Daily Routine

It often happens that, as the years go by, the lifestyle changes abruptly and actually takes on a more accelerated pace. A faster pace where the body adapts so much to it that it cannot rest enough and in the long run it can be seriously harmed, as well as mental health. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate rest into your routine.

And no, you cannot be more productive if you end up finishing a day of work completely exhausted, very late or early in the morning. Nor will the results of work or personal growth be more advanced or faster if you cram yourself with work daily, without having those necessary hours of rest integrated.

Rest and Good Health

Here, it is indisputable that good health involves a good night's rest, so, while carrying out the daily routine, at the same time we must develop a routine of rest and take it as a key factor to achieve comprehensive health that is needed to perform and feel good 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

For this, in the first instance it is necessary to evaluate those factors that do not allow us to rest. Elements such as stress and anxiety are the main protagonists that affect health and hinder the rest process.

Although the state of stress is a natural response of the nervous system and is completely necessary as a state of alert in the face of an imminent danger capable of putting the physical integrity of the human being at risk, the problem lies when this state of alert is maintained and there , is where the problems arise.

That is when, in addition to evaluating what we are doing wrong and, in most cases, going to a specialist, we must implement a daily routine, with hours of rest included.

Why Should We Integrate Rest into Our Routine?

If we review the meaning of rest, we can find that it literally implies letting the body regain enough energy to use during the day. If this does not happen, the body will hardly be able to function correctly and in this way, mental and cardiovascular health will be affected.

In a recent study, a leading expert explained that “Sleep maintains all aspects of the body in one way or another: that is, energy and molecular balance, as well as intellectual function, alertness, and mood.” , Dr. Merrill Mitler, sleep expert and neuroscientist at the NIH.

He also commented that “when you are tired, it is a fact that you do not have the best possible performance. Sleeping helps you think more clearly, have better reflexes and concentrate better. "The reality is that when you look at someone who is well-rested, that person is operating at a different level than those who try to stick with one or two hours of sleep a night."

Based on this, maintaining a balance between wakefulness and sleep is also essential for the correct functioning of the body, both at the hormonal level and for physical performance, as well as adequate rest is as important for health as is the daily physical exercise, good nutrition and stress control, which has become a real health problem.  

Healthy Sleep is Not Negotiable

It should be noted that personal rest is not something negotiable, rather it is mandatory. Now, for this to be effective and sleep to fulfill its function, you must get enough sleep. Therefore, a routine that allows you to fall asleep organically begins with comfortable and comfortable pajamas .

However, a certain number of recommended hours of sleep that serves as an average for everyone has not been defined for certain. But specialists point out that: “it is not easy to define normal hours of sleep, but various studies, taking into account the individual characteristics of each person, support a number of hours of sleep not less than 6 hours, but not greater than 10 hours".

Also, it can be added that not sleeping the necessary hours constitutes a serious risk factor for the appearance of HTN diseases and worsening of its control in hypertensive patients. If there is no control for a long time, it adds to other risk factors and increases the risk of cardiovascular problems.

At the same time, Dr. Vicente Arrarte, cardiologist, president of the Vascular Risk and Cardiac Rehabilitation Section of the Spanish Society of Cardiology, has pointed out in many interventions that the importance of the quality of this sleep lies in the fact that “the “Inadequate night rest is one of the signs that enhance the development of diseases or poor control of high blood pressure among other diseases.”

Finally, he points out that “many times people are not aware of their insufficient superficial sleep for proper rest, as well as the appearance of complications such as apneas or breathing pauses, snoring, etc. "which can be the cause of diseases that cause sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome."

Due to the amount of medical recommendations and all the damage that does not take them into account, we say with confidence that a night's rest is not something that can be negotiated, it is something that should genuinely be taken as a routine.

The search for that comprehensive health that we long for involves designing and complying with that series of habits that allow us to achieve restful sleep. It should be noted that, during this process of proper development of said habits, everything is valid and important; from a good bath with hot water, to putting on comfortable pajamas and soft slippers.

The Desired Rest Routine

To create a good rest routine, we must carefully evaluate what we do in our daily lives, how we approach our obligations and in what order. Many times it can happen that we perceive that the hours of the day are not enough for everything that needs to be done and therefore, late nights or temporary loss of sleep come. But surprise, this would not happen if the organization factor were a little more present.

First hand, proper time management will be essential. This is when it is time to evaluate and design that daily routine that adapts to activities, daily responsibilities and rest. The implementation and application of routines must allow and optimize the time and execution of all activities, whether personal or work-related.

These routines must break down all types of activities in their respective schedules and in order of priority in order to subsequently plan and include rest routines without delay and allow the building of appropriate habits to regulate the sleep schedule for a better >night rest.

The Importance of Good Pajamas

In general, sleep is essential and it is always estimated to sleep approximately eight hours as it provides great benefits. For this, pyjamas are essential as a companion in this new sleeping routine, since these items of clothing have become increasingly important in people's lives, mainly in that of men.

Good pajamas are an essential part of preparing for sleep, which is why these pieces of clothing increasingly adapt to people and their needs, allowing them to rest peacefully and fully prepared to be fully immersed in that state of sleep and relaxation. so that, finally, tomorrow, they are more prepared to continue with the routine that a new day brings.


That's why, El Búho Nocturno offers you the solution. Visit our website where a wide variety of pajamas await you.