Since the beginning of human history, primitive man, in his need to protect himself, very early had the idea of dressing in animal skins. He literally learned to sew the hides with tendons, strips of skin, and animal visors. The idea of the textile factory was simply null.
A little later, he managed to make threads not only with animal fibers but also from fibers of plant origin such as linen and silk. The day when heavy skins were replaced by materials made with very tight and intertwined threads, paved the way for the development of fabrics.
In the same way and gradually spinning and weaving appear in history, the truth is that linen dates back to the Stone Age, wool to the Bronze Age, Silk to Ancient China, 5000 years ago.
Between Points and Fabrics
Currently, it is possible to enjoy a fine pajama made of knit, but the truth is that it was a whole evolution. In 1830, it was Walter Hunt who devised the double stitch, in which two threads intertwine to form a stitch.
He probably had no idea at the time that his invention was going to become the basis for all sewing machines from that time until the current history of clothing.
Later, the American inventor Elías Howe was the pioneer in the construction of a sewing machine that used a needle with the eye close to the stitch, which was used especially in embroidery, to form a double stitch. Howe patented his machine in 1846.
In 1851, the reciprocating shuttle was replaced by the rotary shuttle that Isaac Singer incorporated into his model of sewing machine. Although the machines were successful on the market, it turns out that Singer was sued for this plagiarism of some of this inventor's ideas.
It is interesting how machines evolve, allowing them to be able to automate processes and do things more frequently in less time, since there was a demand to cover and it was also increasing.
Subsequently, this name, so recognized in today's world, added new and better features to sewing machines. The truth is that even today its basic mechanisms remain similar to the originals. Until the first electric sewing machine created by Isaac Singer in 1889.
In this context, it is easy to realize that the Textile Industry was the first to develop.
Although today we can enjoy all kinds of clothes for all occasions, elegant suits to go to the office, show off eccentric combinations to enjoy time with friends, bedding of the best taste and exquisite pajamas to sleep in , the truth is that there is a long evolution to reach this current variety.
The purely artisanal production of fabrics had been a very important economic activity in European countries for centuries, both for fabrics made from wool and the now popular cotton.
This artisanal or domestic system, which focused on the use of very simple tools or machines, gave way to production in large factories with dozens of looms powered by hydraulic energy or by means of steam engines.
Dressing is an almost basic or fundamental need, hence the Textile Industry throughout the 18th century will emerge through important technical innovations. Where most of them were made by artisans without special scientific knowledge, but with great knowledge of their art.
The Textile Industry Today
With the passage of time, the textile industry in the world has expanded, achieving its greatest scope in the work of finishing fabrics, making and exporting all types of garments, with important fashion centers from where the trends that are most sought after by style consumers.
This important sector is the focus of attention in the textile industry, innovating in much more modern and updated fabrics also goes into production techniques, where eco-friendly fabrics emerge in response to a global demand for environmental protection.
Fashion In Pajamas
Fashion has a long history of abrupt changes in rapid transitions, which is absolutely normal. One day, what is trending as anew styleis completely inappropriate and the next day it is at the highest levels of hottest popularity again.
For example, by the 1920s, women were not allowed to wear pants in public. While, in the 1980s, punkers were laughed at by the common people for wearing Doc Martins. Fashion is like a kind of unexpected twists and turns, almost unbridled waves that are sometimes very difficult to control, plus it can be very expensive to always maintain a modern style, that is when the classic style is very useful.
Some archetypes, such as wearing tattoos, were only seen on older, gray-haired men in the Navy or even ex-convicts. Time and time again, we see fashion trend choices that are strange, uncomfortable, or even scandalous become quite common.
Another more specific example, it turns out that currently onesie are the newest item to be added to this tradition of fashion choices referring to garments designed for sleeping during the night's rest, especially all in men's pajamas.
So, with that connotation of shocking, you can even find less and less traditional models. While some people think that wearing a onesie in public is strange, immature or even disrespectful, it has become one of the most progressive trends in men's pajamas and loungewear. /strong> and women.
The truth is that, faced with these excesses, opting for a classic pajama model, with a shirt and long pants, with buttons on the front is a practical decision that never goes out of style, since everything essentially opts for a classic model.
These appreciated traditional and classic sets of men's pajamas, generally made of 100% cotton, these pajama sets are highly cool and breathable, making them absolutely perfect to wear even on the hottest nights that brings the summer months.
They commonly come with sizable arm and leg openings, to provide plenty of room for air to flow freely, which also provides much more freedom of movement when worn.
Fashion can dictate many things in this eternal crusade, but the reality is that tastes and preferences have the last word. Thus, there will be multiple other factors that have to do with the choice of pajamas that best adapt to the requirements of each client.
Surely elements such as comfort, fabrics and colors will be decisive, since the use of these garments must first of all be pleasant, since it is essentially about falling asleep at night, so comfort must be the main reason that dominates the complete scheme. . Having two sets of pajamas in the closet is currently a priority for gentlemen who take care of every detail of their person.
Visit our website El Búho Nocturno and you will surely find the ideal pajama model for you.