Pijama Hombre Punto Corto

Eco Friendly Pajamas And Textiles

When it comes to pajamas and men's sleepwear , we have to know that there are many brands that manufacture these relaxing garments, with technology and natural and non-toxic organic fabrics, with an ethical vocation and in a sustainable way, to achieve the goal. to create Eco friendly men's pajamas .

It is estimated that the average man will spend a third of his life in pajamas, which is why during sleep and when the body rests, it carries out its recovery and healing processes. Most importantly, this is when the appropriate clothing is required that does not contain toxic chemicals involved in its composition.

Whether you're looking for comfortable standard sweatshirts, elegant nightshirts or loose, flowy nightgowns, you should aim for ethical, sustainable and organic pajamas and loungewear; That is, they are eco-friendly.

Environmentally Friendly Manufacturing

This has been a topic of discussion and debate around the world. The processes involved in creating textiles, especially those that are high-performance, are often quite harsh on the environment, accumulating and leaving waste, using a lot of water, chemicals and energy.

The task is to look for brands that use more ecological processes that reduce their impact on the environment. It would be fair to focus on choosing lounge garments that are created under an environment of fair and ecologically responsible labor practices. Among the organic fabrics of natural origin that offer a variety of eco-friendly garments, you can find:


Nowadays, and due to greater environmental awareness, interest in hemp fibers is increasing. It should not be forgotten that hemp grows almost everywhere, from Norway to Ecuador; furthermore, this noble plant does not need pesticides and helps in the fight against pollution. The woven of hemp is made from the inner bark of the industrial hemp stalk.

The look and feel of freshness as well as the general characteristics of this clothing are very similar to linen, ideal for good pajamas . They are durable and washable fibers, with antimicrobial capabilities, in addition to helping the skin to breathe very well. Because hemp fibers are somewhat cruder, they are most frequently used for outerwear, protective clothing, men's pajamas , socks, jeans, among others. In recent years, textile factories have dedicated themselves to developing finer hemp fabrics, useful for shirts, blouses, and summer clothing.

Like bamboo, hemp clothing has protective qualities against UV rays, that is, it protects from the sun. This clothing made from this fiber is a not inconsiderable opportunity to take advantage of the benefits it offers when worn for as long as possible.

Organic cotton

This noble, one hundred percent natural fiber is generally understood as cotton and is grown in subtropical countries such as Turkey, China, USA from non-genetically modified plants, which must be grown without the use of synthetic agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides. It has the fabulous peculiarity that the production of organic cotton promotes and improves biodiversity, as well as improving biological cycles.

In some producing countries, such as the United States, cotton plantations must comply with the regulations required by the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP) to be considered organic. In this way, we are certain that they are complying with the correct and legally permitted practices for pest control, cultivation, fertilization and management of organic crops, avoiding contamination and deterioration of fertile lands.

On the other hand, conventional cotton, that which is grown with the help of chemical agents, covers around 2.5% of the world's cultivated land, but uses 16% of the world's insecticides; more than any other major crop.

This fact has terrible environmental consequences, derived from the high use of chemicals in non-organic cotton cultivation methods.  High levels of agrochemicals are used in cotton processing, polluting air and surface waters. The residual chemicals used in its cultivation can irritate the skin of consumers.

Angora Wool

Angora wool is a unique natural fiber, particularly fine and light, but extremely warm. That fiber is especially comfortable to wear against the skin, especially in winter and much warmer pajamas . It has the peculiarity of having many small air chambers inside the wool that act as a kind of insulating pads and store hot air in the body.

If cold air comes from outside, it stays away from the body and causes body heat to stay inside. The effect is similar to double strengthening in insulated windows. Angora wool is therefore many times warmer than sheep wool, even in summer when this fiber ensures a pleasant climate on the skin.

If angora is worn in the rain, the skin will hardly get wet, due to the high oil content of the fiber that prevents water absorption. It keeps the skin dry, not only when exposed to outside humidity but also when sweating. In short, pajamas made with this fiber always ensure a feeling of dry and pleasant weather.

Linen Fabric

Linen is a fabric made from the fibers of the flax plant. The production process of this fiber is laborious, but it is a highly absorbent fiber and has high value due to its exceptional coolness and coolness in hot climates. There is a great variety of garments made with this fiber, from aprons to, of course, men's pajamas.

Textiles with a linen-weave texture, even when made from cotton, hemp, and other non-linen fibers, are also generally called "linen." The collective term "bed linen" is still often used generically to describe a class of woven or woven bed, bath, table and kitchen textiles traditionally made from linen. In the past, "bed linen" also referred to lightweight underwear such as pajamas.

That's it

Pajamas made with this spectacular fiber are generally associated with luxury and eccentricity, however, it must be clarified that silk is a naturally very healthy option. Simply put, silk pajamas, despite the stereotype in which they are classified, are healthier for human skin than cotton, linen, wool, or synthetic clothing.

Silk is a natural product and, being natural, the human body responds much better to silk than to synthetic products. It is a fiber that matches the needs of the body and works in unison to help you obtain what you really want and need: a deep and satisfactory sleep.

It is breathable and comfortable, with natural properties that eliminate moisture from the body to keep it cool and comfortable throughout the night. This makes it an excellent choice for anyone suffering from night sweats or hot flashes. Additionally, silk is also woven great in winter, especially if you want to feel warm without being overwhelmed by heavy blankets. Silk pajamas feel so light that it's almost impossible to believe they can effectively protect against the cold.


Visit our website El Búho Nocturno where you will find the ideal pajamas.