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Overworking Affects Sleep

Working hard for our goals is essential, but overloading is not. It is common for people to believe that working excessively implies success and that to feel productive you have to end a day worn out, when in reality this is not the case. This brings problems in the long run and, in addition to overworking, it affects sleep, but also mental health and daily routine.

Of course, everyone has their goals and sets out to achieve them as they see fit, but it is never advisable to do so by overloading yourself with work. Regardless of whether you want to put food on the table or accelerate a professional career by having the greatest field experience, there is one factor that these objectives have in common and that is that there should always be time to rest, adopt the use of pajamas and relax.

It is important to note that, if you do not get a good amount of sleep using comfortable pajamas or simply have a break away from everything with preferably loose clothing, avoiding anything that has to do with the In the workplace, problems may arise in the long run, both physical and mental, thus generating disorders and entering a vicious circle where, due to these inconveniences, a satisfactory sleep time or an optimal daily routine will never be achieved.

Therefore, it is necessary that people, as employees, learn to distribute their work time and respect rest time. But this goes beyond setting hours for each activity; It also means taking care of yourself and taking advantage of all the tools that can help you achieve the goal of resting as you should.

Overworking Affects Sleep and daily life

Increasing productivity and generating income is one of the greatest priorities of our time, for both workers and companies. This desire to increase remuneration by working more has led people to think less about their well-being, ignoring the consequences of doing so. Therefore, you can immediately see repercussions such as stress, anxiety, weight gain, and the worst of them, lack of sleep.

Despite the fact that there are studies around the world that indicate that working hours of more than 8 hours a day not only harm health, but also that the desire to work more demotivates workers. The limited availability of time leads them to only focus on the work environment, completely neglecting themselves and their interpersonal relationships.  

More and more people suffer from or are prone to developing a sleep disorder. Much is said about the negative effects caused by not sleeping well: premature aging, dark circles and general tiredness and even deterioration at the brain level.

Because at the time of sleep brain activity is carried out and a large amount of hormones are released that fulfill the function of helping the regeneration of neurons and repair of mental abilities, at the moment when it is not carried out completely well. , concentration and attention on a day-to-day basis decrease, also affecting the mood and bringing with it depression or anxiety, causing irreparable damage and lowering productivity levels.

Symptoms of Overwork

So, now you must be wondering how to know if there is work overload. And the thing is, these activities are so internalized and so tied to the day-to-day routine that it is not easy to realize what you are doing until you reach a limit.

The signs that indicate that more time is being dedicated to work than to daily life and well-being, involve postponing normal schedules for activities as basic as eating and hydration, in order to be able to attend to other pending tasks.

Also, working outside of work hours and taking weekends as an extension of time to carry out activities is another clear symptom of overwork that can affect health.

The moment people get used to having all their attention at work, they begin to observe more and more consequences, apart from neglecting relationships and personal life. The rush and commitment that any type of work brings is detrimental if the time invested is not regulated. Therefore, overwork is one of the main causes of depression and stress.

Here, the main emphasis is placed on the fact that working more than eight hours is not okay. When overtime becomes habitual, it causes greater exposure to stress, thus developing sleeping problems.

A constantly stressful environment reduces the quality of sleep, eventually causing cognitive and brain damage, as well as heart problems, hypertension and diabetes.

How to Improve Your Routine and Sleep Better

By this knit, you must be wondering: How can one improve their routine and avoid overloading themselves with work? And the truth is that the answer is quite simple because it lies within the person; in their priorities, their limits, and their determination.

Improving your daily routine so as not to become overloaded with work and to rest completely begins from the moment the problem that, in this case, causes the overload of activity, becomes visible. Lack of organization, failures in time management management; Little communication in the same work group or unnecessary tasks can be the problems you have when starting the work day.

For this, it is always advisable to organize and outline activities, delegate functions, optimize work hours, establish simple goals with a delivery date and respect it, use appropriate tools with organizational applications for information and time management. Also, it is worth recommending avoiding distractions such as cell phones at all costs and complying with the schedule that is being established.

Thanks to this, relaxing and falling asleep at night will be an easy task, but that does not mean we should leave aside those benefits that can improve the sleeping experience, such as the use of good comfortable pajamas , soft slippers and a mask.

Here, soft pajamas are everything because they are what will finish conditioning your body to relax at night and enter that state of rest, making your mind disconnect from everything it has to do. see with work. And, just as you have to organize yourself during the day, you have to do it at night, opting for your preferred pajamas, whether cotton or satin. With striking prints or in monochromatic colors.

The important thing here is that your willingness to improve in the workplace also leads to improving your personal life. It's time to take concrete actions on yourself and stop overworking yourself and put yourself first. Wearing good, comfortable and clean pajamas can keep the worker's self-esteem high, keeping everything under control and increasing daily productivity.


For all this, visit our website El Búho Nocturno where you will find the ideal pajamas, as well as a wide variety of other products that you will surely like.