Polo Hombre Deportivo

Trendy Colored Polos

Recently it has been seen how many garments have left the stand by state in which they were. And yes, it reads stand by because the colored or printed polo shirts have not been dead, as in this case. Although previously this item of clothing was very fashionable in monochromatic or more sober colors, they have returned, but in a much more striking way to the catwalks, and from the catwalks, to the street.

And it is not strange that clothing items that were fashion previously become a trend again with the whole revival style movement where they reinvent and redefine sets of clothing or garments themselves that were used a long time ago.

Of course, here the Polos were not left behind, much less being a piece of clothing that has impacted so many generations and that, in its beginnings, had a certain social weight since wearing a polo spoke a lot about the class to which you belonged.

Now, polo shirts come in more extravagant ways and this is not for mere aesthetics. In the fashion industry, art predominates in textiles and therefore, prints and colors are capable of taking on psychological meaning and this theory is not exclusive in everyday life, it is just that many times we are not aware of it.

Colored poles, theory and psychology

When we take the topic of clothing from the tangent of its visual impact and importance, we can find what color theory and psychology is. As we mentioned before, the clothing you tend to wear is not exclusive of this.

On the one hand, we know color theory as the set of basic rules that govern the mixing of colors to achieve a desired effect, through the combination of colors or pigments.

Based on this theory, the psychology of color is also derived, where it is understood that colors, in addition to creating an effect according to what the author desires, have their own psychology and also manage to transmit sensations or indirectly reflect the being.

And the presence of color in everyday life always has a meaning which is often not understood due to lack of knowledge. But in reality, it is a fact that not everything is created by chance. This can be seen in home decorations, products with their logos, makeup, and clothing style.

Importance of Color in Garments

Knowing what type of colors to use in pajamas and clothing in general is as important as identifying what type of clothing suits the body. For example, the color of clothing, especially those placed close to the face, is capable of affecting the face, giving it more or less luminosity. We all have a palette of colors that can benefit us, either by making us look paler than others, while other colors can enhance features and allow us to project a much healthier image.

This is when color theory is applied to people. These ranges are those colors adapted to color theory in fashion and are obtained from the four seasonal palettes as guides for choosing clothing.

In this regard, once you keep in mind the color that is most beneficial, choosing clothes will be a breeze, since you will be aware of the nuances that make you look better. Of course, here we do not only seek to highlight a good physique or face in itself, it is also about projecting and generating sensations not only in the environment, but also in ourselves.

It is important to note that color is emotion and is capable of stimulating, giving energy and even conditioning the mood or personality of each person. However, although colors tend to belong to certain groups, such as yellow in warm colors or blue in cold colors, a color can project or give an opposite sensation depending on the mixing ratio it carries with it. Other colors.

How to Combine a Polo

Now, we talk a lot about basic visual theory in fashion and everyday life. But now, let's see how it is applied. And you don't have to be afraid of trends and experimenting with them; Currently we can say that, if there is an elegant and informal garment that is totally adaptable and comfortable, it is the Polo.

"They come in so many colors, sizes, shapes, and patterns, meaning that there are many options and plenty to choose from to experiment. At this knit, doubts must be arising about how a piece of clothing can be so adaptable, for both men and women, and here, the answer is: it is very easy to innovate with it. Everything is possible with this classic."

As we mentioned, Polo spoke a lot about social class and in itself, it was also created for a specific sport. Fortunately, nowadays, everyone has access to this piece of clothing, but something that has remained true over the years is that it continues to reflect elegance and style. So it is very easy to combine it with a good sweater.

Also, in addition to opting for classic colors or taking risks with more striking colors, with the Polo you can do something more personalized by adding an original design with initials, numbers and minimalist images. As a complement, you can also experiment with wearing dark blazers and pants that go with casual shoes.

Polo in Street Style

In the same order of ideas, it should be noted that, although the Polo is an icon of elegance, it is also establishing itself in street style where it is played with more colors and more casual and urban combinations.

For men who want to look more casual, they can opt for an oversized Polo with loose cotton pants, a beanie and flat shoes, without leaving out accessories such as chains or dark glasses. Within this aesthetic, it has been widely observed how they play with bright colors and prints to make street style more striking, without leaving aside what is comfortable.

But, this trend can also take a more alternative turn and Polos can be worn with high-waisted dress pants and combined with flat shoes or sneakers.

Attitude and Innovation as Key

Although the Polo is so characteristic for its elegant cut, the fact is reaffirmed that it is an adaptable garment and, in the same way, it can be given another connotation depending, not only on how the colors or other garments are combined, but but also the attitude with which it is carried.

Although colors are what reflect emotions and project people, the attitude and confidence with which the garment is worn can also reinforce what is intended by its use.

Yes, the visual impact is extremely important, but at the end of the day it is something superficial that gives an indication of what we want to demonstrate. The being of people ends up being understood through the attitude taken, without leaving comfort aside.


Visit our website El Búho Nocturno where you will find the pure cotton sports polo in knit that you like the most.