Sleep is important, to rest comfortably and peacefully, clothing should not be underestimated and, in this sense, pajamas are your best friend. But it can also be due to other reasons. Pajamas are a key element of any wardrobe: sleeping and resting are in fact essential activities for psychophysical well-being and this garment, often mistreated and underestimated in the past, has become a key accessory in every bedroom in the world.
However, it is increasingly common to wear sleepwear not only in bed, but also when you want a little comfort and relaxation at the end of a stressful day, after a refreshing shower or a restorative and scented bath.
But not only at home, pyjamas can certainly be eliminated from mere domestic use. Especially when it comes to men; Using it describes a new trend aimed at highlighting a natural and elegant look, suitable for the individual to always want to be up to date with the latest trend.
From a purely nocturnal garment, it has gone on to a rapid and natural rise towards something else, an object that escapes a precise definition, standing halfway between underwear and a casual garment to wear in the daily routine.
Based on these assumptions, many people love to wear this garment even outdoors, for example, during yoga and Pilates sessions. Typically, cotton pajamas for men consist of two pieces: a shirt and long pants. A prerequisite for both garments is that they be especially wide; in fact, this freedom of the body must necessarily correspond to the comfort necessary for adequate rest.
What can be the main characteristics to choose the most appropriate garment? Surely the following: softness, comfort and excellent value for money.
Among the most used fabrics for making men's pajamas are cotton and natural fibers, cutting-edge synthetics and silk looms that reflect light. Even in the colors it is possible to give space to a more classic style, with simple and elegant solid-color models: from warm colors such as red, lilac, to colder colors such as dark blue or gray; You can even select more exciting color patterns, which mix chromatic creativity with a strong aesthetic taste.
Given these premises, it can be formulated that pyjamas represent, without a doubt, that element that acts as the missing link between those who seek practicality and those who have an eye for style.
At bedtime, the body needs maximum comfort to achieve optimal rest and, to do so, the type of clothing to wear during the night must be correctly chosen, since it affects day-to-day life more than you can imagine.
Pajamas Help You Rest Better
According to specialists, the proper regulation of body temperature is the key to restorative sleep, but it must be found at some knit in between; neither too hot nor excessively cold.
One of the benefits of wearing pajamas is being able to keep the body at the right temperature for sleeping. This will make it easier to fall asleep, not only will you fall asleep faster, but you will also reach REM much sooner.
Improves Circulation
Daily clothing is not an option when sleeping, being tight on certain parts of the skin can be uncomfortable and even prevent proper blood circulation. Another benefit of wearing pajamas is the release of tension in areas where other types of clothing get tight. The elastic bands that the pajamas incorporate are the reason why this garment adapts to the body, just as they do in underwear and, in this way, the skin does not become tight and, in Consequently, neither do the underlying tissues, obstructing the normal passage of blood.
Avoid the Heat in Summer
High temperatures during the summer are a problem when it comes to going to bed, because the heat causes excessive sweating and the mattress gets too hot. If there is no air conditioning, one of the benefits of wearing pajamas is to regulate body temperature without sweating too much. Short-sleeved shirts or tank tops combined with shorts or nightgowns leave the limbs free, allowing the skin to breathe.
Another benefit of wearing pajamas is keeping your body temperature cool so you don't wake up hot in the middle of the night; For this reason the fabrics used for its manufacture are breathable. Contributes to the repair of skin cells.
During nighttime and rest hours, the body creates hormones to restore skin cells. This process is responsible for maintaining the firmness and freshness of the skin, preventing premature aging. For its proper development, this hormone called melatonin needs a warm body temperature. This means that the room temperature should be below 21 degrees at night. Among the benefits of sleeping in pajamas instead of sleeping in everyday clothes is avoiding heat on the skin.
Avoid Skin Diseases
Both the skin and the brain need a few hours a day of restful sleep to function properly. During the day, you are constantly exposed to high levels of pollution, so pajamas that allow adequate ventilation to the skin will allow the release of waste and toxins that have accumulated during the day. One of the advantages of wearing pajamas is that it ensures proper ventilation of the epidermis, thus preventing external agents from causing skin diseases.
Likewise, the pajamas provide the air necessary for the skin to breathe, help it get rid of the remains of sweat and let it dry, thus preventing the appearance of fungus in the armpits, private parts and even infections vaginal, in the case of ladies.
Reduces Stress Levels
Cortisol, the hormone that the body releases in response to stress, builds up in the system throughout the day and the best way to get rid of it is to try to sleep an average of 8 hours straight. Freedom of movement combined with a perfect body temperature are some of the benefits of wearing pajamas. Wearing loose-fitting clothing with soft, smooth fabrics keeps the heat of the muscles low, which helps eliminate cortisol.
Prepare the Mind for Rest
The predisposition of the mind helps in preparation for any activity, from going to work, to the gym or simply going to bed at night. Maintaining a daily routine tells your brain what you plan to follow each day. Performing a simple action like putting on your pajamas half an hour before going to bed relaxes the body and prepares it to fall asleep more easily. Therefore, one of the benefits of wearing pajamas before bed is falling asleep faster. The small changes to make before starting any activity are key to maintaining a good mood and staying healthy.
"That's why, if what you need is a good rest, the right garment will guarantee it. Visit our website El Búho Nocturno and you will understand."