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Routines in Pajamas

The expression “ with your pajamas on ” is the indicator that it is time to rest. Also this other expression that implies rest and relaxation associated with the use of pajamas , “this weekend is for pajamas”; However, wearing pajamas is part of creating good habits, customs that provide order and structure in the formation of character and a personality of security and confidence in all areas of life.

The Man of Good Habits

As a principle, starting from the fact that humans are naturally programmed to seek and crave stability and reliability as a necessity. From the most basic universal theories of learning, postulates show that the brain and body function much better if we can follow a regular schedule for the development of all activities, both daily and work.

In fact, productivity is directly associated with order and planning in every sense, which does not mean that everything must be under a schedule of strict compliance, but the reality is that procrastination has become the number one enemy. of successful people because making the most of time is an asset of great value.

Logically, as a principle, it can be completely fun or relaxing to have a lot of free time that can be used freely, especially in this era of technological innovation with these new forms of remote work, where a lot of discipline is required because if you have A remote connection job still has to meet a schedule, which has generated other responsibilities that have also been changing.

So, those decisions that must be made about how to organize and distribute time can cause stress. What this means is that these routine activities can be a mess if you don't have proper time planning, going for supplies, looking for the kids at school or simply resting can be quite an issue.

Therefore, without a routine, during a single day it would be very difficult to make hundreds of decisions, so stress and anxiety will inevitably increase. What this means is that building a routine can actually take away all that pressure, and following a routine can go a long way toward helping you have a lot more self-confidence.

The Benefits of Having Routines

To begin with, having a routine helps to be much more efficient, it's that simple. The concept of analyzing each task, breaking it down into all those activities that are required and giving it an execution time, allows for greater time control. Even more so if it becomes a habit and a routine is started, such as spending a certain number of hours and days for each activity such as going to the dry cleaners, paying utility bills, or studying for university exams; which allows you to acquire your own rhythm under specific conditions that will unequivocally make your time much more productive. This is true for almost anything, whether it's work, school, cleaning the house, or even exercising.

Even clearer, following a rest routine or schedule every day will help you rest much better, because having this control generates peace of mind.

Everyone Needs a Routine

Said very clearly and even bluntly, all family members in the home can benefit from following a routine, adults and children, especially children. Routines provide structure, model character, and make children much more sociable people. It's not at all about creating a perfect routine, but you can work together as a family to develop an entire structure that is beneficial for everyone.

The creation of routines does not have a specific methodology, but you can choose the simplest thing, such as starting by writing down all those things and the set of activities that need to be done, then ordering them based on elements of priority or urgency. The key is to always stay busy, but taking care to make time for food, recreation, rest and personal care.

Distribution of Activities

During the day, all work or study activities must have a specific estimated execution time, it is about delimiting the time that is considered necessary to completely develop and conclude an activity. Working time at home is much more complex than it seems, the best recommendation to create stability is to designate areas of the home to carry out different activities.

So, start by identifying the specific place to work and create a truly pleasant environment that has all the things that are required, and you will only work there, not in the bedroom or with the laptop on the bed; The same works for exercise, time to share with family, free time to develop entertainment activities of your own taste, time for rest and of course personal care.

Night Rest Routine

Nowadays, this issue of sleeping eight hours at a time has become something really complex and very difficult to achieve, but the reality is that rest at night is essential to avoid premature aging, and to have energy to face the challenges that the day brings. Days that are very full of tension, with a lot of stress and anxiety in fact make it difficult to get a good night's rest as it is more difficult to fall asleep, which can also cause acute states of insomnia.

It's up to you to do your best to implement a nightly rest routine, starting with having a time to go to bed, put on your pajamas, and go to sleep. As far as possible, avoid night work, as in the long run it disrupts all schedules, the day is heavier and can impact good nutrition or, worse still, good digestion.

So, it will be very smart to cultivate the habit of sleeping in pajamas, in the market there are plenty of excellent options to find that garment that meets all expectations in terms of convenience and comfort from the design, fabrics, colors and even price. The idea of ​​a sleeping garment that is fresh and cozy contributes considerably to achieving the sleep that is required for a good rest.

Being able to finally enjoy the benefits of sleeping 8 hours after this entire process of adapting a nightly rest routine will be something to be grateful for in the medium term. Sure, it may cost a little at first, but it is well worth the effort and discipline to achieve the goal.

Another good measure to include in this routine is to ensure that the last meal is preferably at 8:30 at night at the very latest, and that it also includes a series of digestive foods, such as yogurt, cereals and fiber accompanied by relaxing drinks. , zero coffee or carbonated drinks that rather activate.

Even for good health from your diet, avoiding eating meats that are difficult to digest at night will allow you to maintain a good weight, as well as adequate values, avoiding problems with blood pressure, obesity, heart conditions, among others.

A Man of good manners is a Man in Pajamas. Find the one you like the most on our website El Búho Nocturno and start enjoying when you get home the well-deserved rest and a deep sleep.