Pijama hombre Cómodo

The Pajamas and Their Evolution

An incredible but true fact is that most of the traditions of modern society have existed for more than a century; and sleepwear and pajamas are no exception.

Throughout the rest of human history, sleepwear has varied greatly, regardless of whether you are looking at Western, Eastern, or ancient culture. As a result of globalization, sleeping habits have adapted and, compared to the past, significantly smaller differences can be observed in sleepwear. Here a brief history and evolution of pajamas will be presented.

The Private Past Of The Pajamas

Much of what history teaches is based on things that have been left behind: artifacts, paintings, songs, and more. However, sleepwear was considered a private matter: any type of sleepwear was intended for the eyes of the wearer and family only. Because of this, there are few direct examples of what pajamas would have looked like five hundred years ago. Fortunately, there are many clues that can help you imagine the pajamas of the past.

In the Middle Ages, most pajamas were bulky with simple decorations. They were made by the wives and daughters of the family, so it was important that they were easy to make. Only royalty and nobles wore pajamas that were more than just a long dress. Their designs were inspired by Indian, Asian and Roman costumes: large dress-like tunics with wide sleeves for comfort.

In fact, the word pajamas is not of Western origin, but comes from the Hindi word "pae jama" or "pai jama", which means leggings and originated in the Ottoman Empire in the 13th century. Pajamas have traditionally been loose pants with a rope or drawstring at the waist. They were worn by both women and men throughout the Middle East and South Asia, including Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran and South India.

They were tight along the entire leg or wide at the waist and tight at the ankles. The pants were usually paired with a belted tunic that reached to the wearer's knees. This combination was considered the best way to feel comfortable and clean at home and while sleeping. In the 14th and 15th centuries, Europeans discovered the pajamas of these cultures and adapted them to their climates. In the 17th century, almost all Europeans wore a type of pajamas similar to those worn in the Ottoman Empire.

The Invention of the Sewing Machine

It was not until the Middle Ages that pajamas really became fashionable and began to vary. The reason for the emergence of the first forms of modern pajamas was the combination within Western civilization, the long-term cold climate and the advent of the first forms of modern fashion.

Until the 18th century, most pajamas were simple long nightgowns. Perhaps the most important innovation for the pajama industry was the invention of the sewing machine and a change in Western culture: clothes were less and less sewn on their own, but were bought ready-made in factories. stores; This concept did not exist before the 18th century.

For the next 200 years, the style of the most popular pajamas was largely determined by what the culture considered "right," "wrong," "moral," or "immoral."

Sleepwear for Men

From the early 17th century to the mid-19th century, nightgowns resembled day shirts, with lapel collars and deep necklines. More sophisticated nightgowns were decorated with lace on the sleeves and neckline. It was not until the late 19th century that nightgowns were offered in various fabrics, such as flannel, calico, cotton, linen, and monochromatic or colored silk.

Since the turn of the century, ankle-length garments were called "nightgowns." There were also longer variants that reached the floor and were known as "evening skirts." In the first quarter of the 20th century, nightgowns and night skirts gradually fell out of fashion and were replaced by what are now known as pyjamas.

Sleepwear for Women

Men decorated their pajamas long before women did. While the gentlemen of creation resorted to lace and embellishments, women opted for simple and voluminous dresses or nightgowns. The traditional nightgown was similar to the Indian banyan or the Japanese kimono and resembled a loose dressing gown or a calf-length coat with a thin belt or ribbon around the waist. Until the 20th century, nightgowns offered very little variety. One of the reasons women experimented with pajamas so late was the patriarchal nature of Western society: many were afraid of appearing as suffragists or members of the suffragist movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

 In the early 1900s, Coco Chanel was the first designer to create sexy, stylish pajamas for women and to convince women that pajamas could be as comfortable and beautiful as the traditional nightgown. Women's pajamas were officially launched in 1909, but it wasn't until the 1980s that they led nightgown sales.

The first version of this women's pajamas was a combination of a nightgown and pants: the top had a high collar and buttons on the front. The pajamas had soft ruffles at the knees and wrists. Later versions had wide bishop sleeves and a colorful ribbon around the waist.

The Transition to Modernity

The transition to modern pajamas in the 20th century meant an abandonment of old habits and a liberation of female sexuality. Two big trends dominated the middle of the 20th century: “babydoll” pajamas for women (a sleeveless top that hits just below the hips) and men's pajama sets that replaced traditional men's nightgowns. , for the simple but comfortable military clothing of the First World War.

In the 1970s, more and more people began to wear silk shirts inspired by Chinese and Indian sleepwear. Women also opted for the unisex look, wearing the same top and pants combination as the men.

A Look at the Future of Pajamas

History shows that nightwear has remained unchanged for a long time. It was only with the invention of the sewing machine, that variations appeared and a market for sleepwear emerged.

A trend that will continue in the future is the normalization of pajamas as everyday clothing, which can be worn both at home and in public. As traditional and formal norms loosen around the world, more and more people have the courage to wear comfortable clothing, and at El Búho Nocturno, an extraordinary variety is offered that combines quality, comfort, and varied styles.