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How Fashion Influences Men

For a long time now, clothing has been defined as one of the fundamental needs of man, along with food and shelter. Although from the beginning it was mainly related to dealing with climatic factors, little by little it has evolved and now it talks about style, communication, personality and more. But now, there is also talk about how fashion influences men.

Clothing and Fashion

It could be said that, tacitly, clothing has been closely associated with the fashion movement for many years and is known as that which constantly changes and functions as a kind of symbolic device within of a society.

Therefore, the way people dress gives an opinion to the world of what it is like and how these individuals perceive themselves. Women in the industry like Coco Chanel or, for example, Margaret Thatcher have tried over the years to splash the authority that typically masculine garments symbolize. So, on the contrary, we must ask ourselves: In what way has fashion influenced contemporary men?

So, How Does Fashion Influence Men?

Currently, fashion is something that has enveloped the world both consciously and unconsciously. Men are so influenced by fashion that the producer has been forced to constantly change or renew the products on the market to satisfy the new needs that are created in society.

Thus, it can be said that fashion is in everything, from clothing, music, artists, technological items to places, increasingly influencing the tastes of the individuals that make up said society. And it is not only about how fashion influences men directly, but also indirectly.

Fashion In Today's World

The importance of fashion in society is palpable and quite evident. Just by going out into the street you can see all kinds of styles and how trends are increasingly being reinvented.

In this way, you can find ambassadors who influence the way contemporary men dress. Men like Jerry Lorenzo have shown that, despite the simplicity of his style, he can set the tone with casual jogger-style pants and minimalist, solid-color shirts.

While, on the other hand, we can highlight Kanye West himself who, despite maintaining a fairly sober style of dressing, seeks to continue giving the spotlight to the sneakers and seeks to impose a new canon of beauty.  

But if there is talk about how fashion has influenced the current male figure, we can find the example of the most daring influencer to date, which is Harry Styles who has been in charge of deconstructing the classic style. masculine, thus opting for dresses, transparent shirts, bright colors and prints.

Based on the work of ambassadors as eccentric as Harry Styles, artistic movements and trends have been seen, both on the catwalks and in the streets, full of the same style and aesthetics that the musical icon imparts.

The Influence Of Fashion On Society

And fashion has been present throughout human history for different purposes, so its influence is undeniable for endless reasons. Nothing more than the fact of dressing or covering the body with garments responds to a social requirement.

Furthermore, dressing in a specific way taken from fashion is a way of communicating what a person assumes such as their gender, age, status and their role in society. For this reason, even when going to work we have to project an image that is consistent with the position we hold, our way of being, fashion and the values that the company in question has promoted in us. A good example would be going to work with an elegant yet casual shirt . In this case, we would be projecting the values we just mentioned.

It is also worth noting that fashion and the way of dressing is considered one of the greatest expressions of freedom in some societies. Likewise, it is a reflection of the main moral and aesthetic values ​​of these societies.

Impact on society

Today, its impact on modern societies cannot be denied, and for years it has even shaped the way men and women “should” look. Its influence is more than visible when the “ideal bodies” of the fifties and sixties are compared with the physical characteristics of contemporary men.

If we talk about this topic in a superficial way, fashion and design may seem very irrelevant topics, when in reality, they have a deep connection in the advancement and development of societies.

The Most Influential Men In Fashion

Just as we mentioned a Jerry Lorenzo or a Kanye West, we can easily talk about a Raf Simons, who revolutionized Europe when he directed the brands of Jill Sanders and Dior; Also, the same François-Henri Pinault who is in charge of directing brands such as Gucci, Saint Laurent, Balenciaga and more.

On the other hand, we do not have to go too far from what had been mentioned previously, the example of the artist Harry Styles, who advocates genderfluid and vintage fashion.

On several occasions, it has been observed how he has dared to wear clothes from women's collections, he has painted his nails, he has worn high-heeled shoes, and he has even dressed in ballet costumes, in order to eliminate the labels on his clothes to women and men's clothing, thus claiming that when these disappear, they enter a world of infinite possibilities.

Based on this, in addition to having caused a stir in artistic movements and trends, it has also opened a space for debate to discuss the new masculinity and whether it is really necessary for clothing to have gender since, at the end of the day , these end up limiting people.

Fashion is not just a thing for women

It is a reality that fashion is not only a thing for women. Although much of what is on the market is aimed at women and, in some cases, by women, the world of fashion is full of men who, for a long time, have also been making history in the fashion industry. men's clothing, and even catwalks.

This, in order to reclaim said men's fashion, create new concepts and with them, social awareness in the same way that is currently emerging with the issue of deconstruction in men's clothing and its new meaning in society.

The influence of fashion itself helps in the mental growth of people today, using it both as an artistic medium and as a tool to reaffirm their personality and expose that clothing items do not need to have gender.

A unique style, for example, is manifested in sleepwear, more than from a utilitarian sense, men's pajamas overflow with elegance and good taste for men today. Hence, a classic pajama will be well appreciated in a gentleman's wardrobe. And not only sleepwear or loungewear, but we also talk about underwear. For a gentleman, when it comes to fashion, it is not only important to be well-dressed on the outside or project a good image as seen by others, but also in intimacy. It is good taste and a sign of a man who cares about hygiene to pay attention to those details, such as wearing appropriate and elegant boxers. From El Búho Nocturno we can offer you a wide range of men's pajamas and boxers that you will surely like.

Although the fashion industry works to a greater extent to please the female niche, which in itself is the most changing, men's fashion is not far behind since, if Although they are produced to a lesser extent and therefore are more expensive pieces of clothing compared to women's clothing, these are quality and durable.

There are countless artists, concepts and influencers revolutionizing the world of fashion right now, so the job of male consumers is to let themselves go, open their minds to new alternatives, but never lose their own essence.