pijama largo clásico de caballero

Personality and Comfort

The pajamas are a garment that contributes and provides a great input regarding the identification and strengthening of masculine personality. This garment in particular, whether used to go to bed to sleep or as simple as staying in it to enjoy a good movie, a good book, or a soccer match; most men enjoy its comfort and informality, to the knit of longing to wear it during the day, at the time they carry out their workdays, especially those who still do so outside the home.

Feel Comfortable

Nowadays, it is a fact that the main attention of society decreases significantly when choosing the attire to rest and relax within the home; In short, very little attention is paid to the use and benefit of pajamas. Regardless of the time of year, hot, humid or cold; The truth is that attention should be focused on the use and enjoyment of this garment, as part of the ritual of being comfortable and at home, and often ready to go to bed. 

This last year and a half, and due to the global health emergency situation, a large part of the population has been forced to stay in their homes longer than expected; which has led to denoting that feeling comfortable in the home is one of the main objectives, including the fact of feeling handsome, comfortable and elegant, particularly in summer times. 

It is recommended to use pajamas made of cotton, the best and purest raw material available for making these garments. They are garments of extraordinary quality and are also very soft and special for the hot days of mid-year. Additionally, this woven of cotton has a shine and a special air that gives elegance and style to the pajama.

It is precisely during this time of year: summer, when temperatures rise and humidity becomes heartbreakingly acute, and the search for cool clothes is the order of the day. Of course, pajamas are not exempt from this situation, the short designs are specially created for these days, and become the main allies when it comes to sleeping and resting after exhausting days of heat. day. These short pajamas could be said to stand out for having great durability that could allow them to be used for several repeated seasons.

They consist of Bermuda shorts and short-sleeved t-shirts, sometimes with a pocket in the chest area, in light shades of white, blue, gray and pearl.

It is pertinent to mention that, during the summer and because temperatures increase, it is also true that there are certain areas where temperatures remain mild. This is why it can be seen that not all men have the same preferences for short pajamas ; Not everyone has the same needs and tastes. This is why long-cut designs are highly popular, especially those made of cotton, to ensure adequate breathability, freshness and comfort.

Pajamas and their origin

Without a doubt, pajamas are one of the most worn garments in the world, without distinctions of race, culture or religious creed. It is a textile piece that is used daily, and it is not only used for sleeping, but many times to be at home to feel more comfortable and relaxed.

The word Pijama has its origins in a Persian and Hindi word paejama; This term itself encompasses a set of meanings that could be summarized in the search or objective of acquiring the habit of preserving personal hygiene, healthiness of the place where one sleeps or rests (bed), and is also related with the feeling of comfort to the body while resting.

When temperatures dropped in that region of the world, there were few effective solutions to warm the legs and other parts of the body, which is why it has been recorded that at the time of the extinct Ottoman Empire (current Turkey) this garment already existed and fulfilled a very particular role. Within that culture its name literally meant, “leg clothing.”

By the mid-17th century, women and men, to avoid sleeping naked, used long nightgowns as sleeping clothes that were buttoned up to the feet along the entire front. These nightgowns were made of velvet or wool.

In parallel and during that time, an interesting growth began in the rise of intercontinental maritime travel, specifically between Asia and Europe, what could be considered the first tourist trips. On these trips, and as on all trips, cultural exchanges began to be seen; It is in this way that pants imported from Persia began to become popular, which turned out to be the first pyjamas in the West.

Initially, these garments were quite loose in order to allow full freedom of movement when sleeping. They were made of soft and fresh fabrics to ensure safe breathability and at the same time provide comfort.

Three hundred years later, when the British Empire had the territory of India as a colony, it adopted and adapted this garment used for sleeping to its English style. Adding details and decoration aimed at luxury and adaptation to the “Western” man. It is at this moment when they begin to be defined by gender: masculine and feminine garments. It was a garment with so much renown and prestige that it became only suitable for people with high social positions, despite its origins as accessible textile pieces and popular use in all social classes, due, among other things, to its simple and primitive design.

Nowadays, and thanks to the countless technological advances achieved so far, the prices of these garments are quite affordable for almost everyone, in addition to being able to choose from thousands of models, designs and materials, synthetic or organic.

It's Smart to Wear Pajamas

Finally, the idea that pajamas are only for sleeping has been discarded from the mentality and daily custom of today's society. And although the Europeans adapted pajamas as sleepwear, the good people of Turkey, Iran and India, who used these loose garments, not only for bed, but for comfort all day in the face of the very warm temperatures of those latitudes; They have delivered one of the best legacies to modern society.

Part of the reason why it could be said that pajamas have a bad reputation is due to the paradigm created by the image of weakness and old age associated with the use of this garment. It is not necessary to continue feeding this false belief.

Instead, we must encourage its use. Because it provides comfort, hygiene, and coziness. The super comfortable feeling of the woven fabric on the skin not only helps alleviate daily worries, but these pieces also help shape and style the figures of their users. It is a fact that sometimes you want to look good without needing to wear the best clothing combinations. For all this, check our website El Búho Nocturno.